Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I just woke up from a nap. Location: Dulles Airport. Yep... I really can sleep anywhere.

I'm waiting to get on a flight to see my bestest friends and meet my new niece in Chicago - I'm am SOOOOOOOO excited! A visit has not transpired in a year, which is really too long if you ask me. The reason, however, is that a beautiful Gabriella Rose (named for her auntie) was preparing to make a grand entrance into the world... my vacation time had to be saved and the expecting parents were preparing for her arrival. Look how beautiful she is:
(Photo taken by her auntie Savannah)

I just finished working a busy week at work. We hosted our 4th annual fund raising event The Tastes and Sounds of the Town - it was a pretty big deal and I'm pretty proud to say I was the event coordinator and aside from a few minor glitches during registration with the credit card machines, the event went well and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. Tanner was a HUGE help and captured some moments during the event since I was tied to the registration table. Here are a few shots...

1 comment:

  1. What a great picture of Gabby. She's adorable, and such pinchable cheeks too.
